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Guest Speakers: Lysa Wang (Associate Director, Full-Time MBA Admissions)
Manisha Vupputuri (Full-Time MBA student, 2nd year)
Trent Hill (Full-Time MBA student, 2nd year)
Megan Anda (Managing Director, Office of Action-Based Learning)
New Delhi: 10:30pm § Paris: 19h00 § NYC: 1:00pm § San Francisco: 10:00am

Guest Speakers: Anvesh Jagini (full-time MBA student, class of 2024)
Shabnam Popal (full-time MBA student, class of 2025)
Julie Sadwick (Director of Admissions and EDI Special Projects)
LaTanya Johns (Assistant Dean, Career Management & Corporate Engagement)
New Delhi: 10:30pm § Paris: 19h00 § NYC: 1:00pm § San Francisco: 10:00am